The School is running under St. Francis Service Society and its began in
2020. The aim of the institution is to impart sound education and character
formation to the young so as to enable them to find their proper place in
the society and equip them to be of service "to God and His People".
Every effort will be made to give the students a sound and all round
education in keeping with the nation’s aspirations and to make them
morally, physically, emotionally and spiritually fit, useful and worthy
citizens of our dear Motherland.
Intellectual formation is given with the help of a course of studies to the
mental development of the students.
The choice of the course of studies is governed by the consideration that
it deserves as a solid foundation for higher education.
Social and human formation is imparted by making students realize that they
are members of the society and as such, called upon to care for, respect,
and love one another as brothers and sisters. Spirit of service, dedication
to duty and sense of belonging are values inculcated in students with a
view to train them to be responsible citizens.
Moral and Spiritual education is aimed at awakening in the students a
passion for whatever is true, good, honest and honorable. Moral and
spiritual formation is imparted in such a way that the principles of moral
and spiritual living, to which they are exposed in the course of their
schooling, will continue to exert a lasting influence on them throughout
their lives. Physical education is provided with the help of various
disciplines of sports and games. Performances of each and every student is
given due reorganization and a spirit of co-operation and sportsmanship is
everywhere insisted upon and always upheld.