1. No leave of absence is granted except on prior written application from parents or guardians.
Such an application must be supported by a valid reason.
2. In case of absence without leave, the student on returning to school must produce the leave
application duly signed by the parent/guardian. A student returning to school after recovering
from a contagious or infectious disease should also produce a doctor's certificate of fitness
permitting him/her to attend school. If a student fails to produce such a certificate, the
school authorities are entitled to send her/him back.
3. Students will not be allowed to leave school before it gets over, except in case of real and
reasonable necessity, in which case prior written permission should be obtained from the
4. Absence for more than 15 class days without prior permission from the Principal renders the
student liable to be struck off the rolls, Re-admission in such cases, if sought or granted will
be done on payment of a re- admission fee of Rs. 5000/.
5. Appointment with doctors, dentists etc. must not be arranged during the school hours.
6. Please be noted that children will not be sent home in an emergency with any person other
than the parent/guardian during school hours without a written application from the parent or
1. The school management reserves the right to suspend or dismiss the students. Irregular attendance
or habitual negligence of duty or misbehaviour or conduct injurious to the tone of the school or
insubordination to the authority or any other type of misconduct is sufficient reason for the
suspension or dismissal of a student.
2. Any kind of damage done to the school property including ink-stains and writing on the wall or on
the school furniture must be compensated at the expense of the offender along with the fine that
may be imposed by the Principal.
3. No student will be furnished a transfer certificate until all the school dues, including fine that
is unpaid, to the school are cleared.
4. The Principal may require parents to withdraw their children in case they do not fit in with the
regulations of the school or are not capable of any improvement or if the parents themselves
do not co-operate with the school authority.
5. The tendency of the students to go for private tuition is discouraged since it reduces their self
confidence and initiative. In case of necessity parents may in consultation with the Principal
arrange private tuition for their child. The class teachers shall not be assigned/engaged for
private tuition.
6. The children are expected to take active participation in the curricular activities, educational
tours, picnics etc. arranged by the school. No exemption may be granted to any student except
in case of illness or such genuine case.
7. No student will be exempted from P.T or games unless he/she produces a doctor's certificate
showing that he/she is physically unfit to take part in all extra- curricular activities which
is an integral part of their training.
8. Pupils should attend the school regularly. They must reach the school at least five minutes before
the assembly. Late comers may not be allowed to attend the classes for the day.
10. All the pupils must have the text books and the stationery required for their respective classes.
No sharp-edged instruments, razor blades, valuable, books, newspapers, periodicals etc. other
than the school library books may be brought to the school.
11. All students are strictly forbidden to posses or operate or carry around any type of mobile phones
or any type of camera or any other electronic gadget within the school buildings or in the school
ground at any time. Defaulters will incur strict disciplinary action including confiscation of
the instruments and dismissal forthwith. They also should never posses or wear or carry around
any ornament either of gold or of any other metal within the school buildings or in the school
12. Student at all the time show respect to the school. authorities and the teachers. They should be
gentle and polite to their companions and others.
13. No student shall be allowed to go out or to be taken out of the school compound without obtaining
the written permission from the Principal. The permission shall not be issued unless the Principal
is satisfied with the genuineness of the matter and accompanying person.
14. Parents should see that their children come to the school with their daily needs. All the children
must have their tiffin brought with them for the break. No lunch packets brought by parents and
others will be allowed to reach the student on account of various reasons.
15. Cleanliness of person and dress is expected of every student. The school uniform must be clean,
without any type of decorations, well pressed and full. Students coming to the school with
untidy dress, hair etc. will be refused admission to the class.
16. Students themselves will be responsible for their own belongings. The school will not entertain
any claim for the loss of money, clothes, watches and ornaments etc. However on bringing any
such loss to the notice of the Principal, enquiry may be conducted. It is advised to mark the
name on all his/her belongings.
17. Transportation to and for the children is the responsibility of the parents. The school shall
neither entertain any complaint on this matter nor be responsible in any way. Parents/guardians
should take full care that their children/wards are brought to and taken back from the school
only by those modes of transportation which are approved by the school management in accordance
with norms laid by Hon'ble High Court of Punjab.