Dear Parents and Students,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our St. Francis School website.
As Principal I am glad and blessed to pen down a few lines here.
Education is the most positive investment that humanity makes for its future generation. So
at this juncture I press education is an important and fundamental right of every individual.
Quality education enables one to lead, from illusion to learning, from learning to knowledge
and knowledge to wisdom.
Education is a lifelong process including all influences from the cradle to the grave to form an integrated person.
So, Education should give the right values. Everyone who influences the child must function like the 4 wheels of vehicles, to smoothly reach towards its goal and take it as a collective effort.
The educator (both teachers and parents) should concentrate on the development of various areas of the students. children should be provided a safe and secure environment that respects diversity. We must make the child a self Reliant , free thinking, confident and independent individual. A society of such individuals can restructure the world positively.
To support the above said comes,
St. Francis school, Moga. Here we emphasize every aspect of the student’s lives and nurture their skills for a better future. Through their academic excellence and extracurricular activities, we ensure a great role in the character formulation of students.The physical, emotional as well as intellectual aspects of every student is taken care of.
My kind word to dear parents,
parents should focus not only on academic excellence but also in the character development of the child.
Childhood is the best time to lay the foundation to the core values essential for the overall
development of a future leader. I believe family is the primary unit in the educational process
and parents are the first teachers. Children coming from a good family atmosphere have proved themselves
excellent in their behavior. Please approve the School and respect our teachers ,help them to do their
duties well.
My humble note to our teachers:
Today the role of the teacher as caregiver, companion, mentor, motivator and inspirer is severely weakened. The teacher is no longer an 'educator' in the full and complete sense of the word. Besides teaching, he has a whole range of other (administrative and even political) 'duties' that have nothing to do with his primary role and responsibility as an educator. So, It's daring to be an educator in this 21st century.
The best teacher is the one who can transfer the week and bring it to the mainstream. Every child one
or the other way is an unpolished fable of great value tarnished by the tumult and turmoil of life.
Let's polish and explore that gem of this great worth. Remember, the future of tomorrow is vested
in your hands. Let us make all efforts to create a society of good and mature citizens with a patriotic
feeling and social concern.
With achievement and success , as the family of Franciscans, let us continue to move forward together
with confidence, pride and enthusiasm.
I wish , May St. Francis School, Moga be a blessed home for the students of this locality.
Sr. Kavitha.USS